4 Scavenger hunts, 3 games and the HOKEY COKEY!
Jun 04, 2020More fun, free ideas for your kiddos
So what's been happening folks? Been anywhere nice lately? (sorry bad joke!)
It's getting a bit tedious trying to keep the children occupied at home but we've (un)luckily been busy with their schoolwork most of the week. My high schoolers are on zoom meetings now some of the time as well as my husband and I teaching pretty much all day. So a fun activity has been to send the littles off on a little hunt around the house... it keeps them occupied and the game can literally carry on for ages. I was on a facebook group where this lists were shared so i'm sharing them here too! Thanks to Amber Kothe and Yesette Terrazas
Another game to play is to hide a smallish object or teddy bear in the room and get them to hunt for it, as they get closer you say hotter and as they get further away you say colder. They'll start practicing their english as well, they'll start saying boiling hot or freezing cold, it gets more fun as they get more practice and more creative at hiding the toy!
Once we got into the idea lots of old car games came rushing back to the memory - 'Name, Animal, Place, Thing, Total' took us on many trips to London from Lancashire and back again when my siblings and I were kids! Just take a pen and paper for each player and draw a table with 5 columns; one player has to say the alphabet under his breath and someone else stops him, whatever letter he's on you all write a name, place, animal or thing with that letter. Then you mark it, if you answer is unique you get 10 points and if someone else has it then you only get 5. You can change place to country or city if you prefer and do football teams instead of 'thing.'
Both this game and I-spy has to be played phonetically so the 5year old can join in but it's also good practice for him to learn the difference between the two sounds 'g' makes. Simon Says and copy cat also take some time to play and the old family favourite 'Oh the hokey cokey!'
I hope this helps you, please let us know how you get on in the comments, take care and stay home - stay safe!!
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