WIN-WIN - SPA DAY for me and CAR RAMP for them!
Jun 04, 2020I've thought about this a lot in the past week and I'm hearing that many of my fellow teachers have too. I'm sure that most of us enjoy the weekends by going out, socialising with other people, visiting fun places and having wide open beaches and parks to enjoy especially in the current beautiful spell of weather we're having. Myself, I enjoy going for treatments at the salon it gives me an hour or so to myself in the generally quiet atmosphere of the salon while being pampered in some way; mani, pedi, blow dry, massage being in my top 4 choices so we decided to have a spa day at home today.
So for a simulated Thai massage I lay down on the floor and got my 3 and 5 year olds to jump up and down on my back. It was rejuvenating to say the least and it entertained them for a few mins too. Next it was time for a hair treatment so my eldest dyed my hair (and her clothes and the dining table!) I know I joke but it was lovely looking in the mirror after washing it and feeling a thousand times better. When it was being straightened and dried I honestly felt the worries of the week wash away. Next it was time for a foot soak and they treated me to a bath bomb for some extra fizz and texture. Even if I don't manage to do my nails tomorrow I'm gonna call it a win and I've saved a lot of money into the bargain. so give it a go - mama (or papa or carer!) spa day by the kids.
As I mentioned last week we decided to cook together during quarantine and I noticed a difference today- I wasn't giving instructions so much anymore, their instincts are kicking in; everyone contributed and we enjoyed a lovely home cooked dinner. They were missing their Friday night takeaway so I decided to make some home made fried chicken - it went down a treat. It got me thinking maybe this is a thing- can I find recipes for fast food online? and I found some!! Pizza Hut, KFC, Macdonalds, in this way I managed to meal plan for the next 3 days and who knows maybe they'll prefer the home cooked versions? Here's a pic of the first one KFC - I left out the ajinomoto as it is known to have side effects. (Download the free pdf from the link: KFC RECIPE BOOK)
My 5yo gave me the cutest of random hugs yesterday because I sat with him and his little sister and made a 'hot wheels' track for their cars, and I have to say all the hard work and time spent planning and researching is worth it for these few special moments with our precious sprouts. We also had a lot of fun playing 'jack in the box' with a amazon box that I didn't use for the model, then we made a tunnel too! I'll leave you with a pic of the race track to show you that it doesn't have to be Pinterest worthy for your kids to have fun!
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